Energy Efficiency Checklist
When it seems like a lot – Try Starting Here
Explore Opportunities to Save Energy
Understand Your Performance
□ Benchmark Your Building Energy Use
• Energy Benchmarking is the process of tracking your building’s energy use and comparing your performance to similar buildings and to past performance.
• Any building can use ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a free, online tool administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to benchmark their energy, water and waste performance. Visit to learn more and get assistance.
No-Cost & Low-Cost Improvements
□ Check your Building Scheduling
• Do you have a Building Automation System? Check your scheduling to ensure you aren’t lighting and conditioning the building when no one is present.
• If you don’t have a building automation system, install programmable or smart thermostats. Ensure thermostats are programmed and choose regular set points that are communicated with occupants.
□ Perform Regular Preventative Maintenance
• Regular building systems maintenance helps equipment run as efficiently as possible. Replace air filters regularly, clean evaporator and condenser coils on heat pumps, air conditioners, and chillers, and tune up equipment as suggested by manufacturer. Buildings can save 5 to 20% annually on their energy bills by implementing Operations & Maintenance Best Practices (EPA).
• Spire provides rebates for boiler tune-ups. Learn more at
□ Address Plug Loads
• One third of electricity used by US commercial buildings goes to plug and process loads, are energy loads not related to lighting, heating, ventilation, cooling, and water heating (DOE).
• Remove or unplug unused or duplicate plugged-in devices, and enable computer, monitor, and printer power management features. For more ideas, refer to NREL’s plug load guide.
□ Encourage Energy Efficient Behavior
• Building occupants have a big impact on energy use! Encourage occupants to turn lights off nightly, and publicize your energy use and goals. Refer to ENERGY STAR’s communications toolkit .
□ Weatherize and Reduce Unnecessary Air Infiltration | Weatherstrip and caulk to close air gaps at doors and windows.
• Encourage use of revolving doors, if present in your building.
• Ensure roof access and freight entrances are closed when not in use.
□ Upgrade lighting
• Install LEDs for significant energy savings.
• Install occupancy sensors, multi-level fixtures, or daylight responsive lighting for additional savings.
□ Retro-commissioning (RCx) | A Building Tune Up
• Tune existing systems to run as efficiently as possible through identification and implementation of low- or no-cost improvements. RCx is a good solution for large buildings.
• Through Ameren Missouri, some commercial buildings over 100,000 square feet can receive incentives for performing a RCx technical analysis study and for certain energy efficiency improvements. Learn more at
• Rebates are available to Spire commercial and industrial customers for gas-related energy efficiency improvements, including savings from select RCx measures, through Spire’s Custom Rebate program. All custom projects require pre-approval. Learn more at
□ Get an Energy Audit
• An energy audit details energy conservation opportunity, the associated cost, savings, payback, and available Ameren Missouri Incentives and Spire Rebates.
• Spire offers rebates for energy audits conducted by a qualified professional. At least one eligible energy efficiency measure identified in the audit must be installed to receive the rebate. Learn more at
Medium-Cost Measures and Capital Planning
□ Upgrade Your Building Controls
• Install a Building Automation System if you don’t yet have one.
• Upgrade Pneumatic to Electronic (DDC) controls.
□ Invest in Efficient Building Systems
• The largest portion of building energy use is tied to Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. An energy audit will give you project ideas specific to your building.
• Upgrade Your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System – Incentives and Rebates are available from Ameren and Spire
• Evaluate options to upgrade boilers, chillers, and air handling units to high efficiency at end of life.
• HVAC systems are commonly oversized, causing comfort issues and wasting energy. Choosing the appropriate size equipment at replacement can cut costs and improve performance. An engineer or consultant can analyze building loads to determine the appropriate size equipment.
• Install variable frequency drives on motor-powered devices such as pumps, fans, compressors and exhaust hoods.
• Consider transitioning to ground source heat pump.
□ Improve Your Building Envelope
• Insulate – Improving insulation during an existing renovation will improve the payback.
• Cool Roofs – Reduce heat gain during the summer by installing a reflective roof. Prioritize during roof replacement or repair.
• Windows – Replace single pane windows, or consider installing Low-E Film to improve performance of existing windows.
Choosing a Contractor
Find the Right Local Partners for Your Project
• Ameren Missouri BizSavers Find a Contractor Tool:
• Spire Find A Contractor Tool: